Are We Post-Racial?

First of all, in my opinion Post Racial means that the people who are not minorities like white people have sort of let go of there hating minorities, mainly African Americans, do to Barrack Obama’s presidency. it does not mean that all hate crimes will be stopped, however, it does mean that people now have individual respect for one another, which is what all of Obama’s “fans” wanted.

Are we Post-Racial, of course we are, but not everybody. It depends on the person individually. Racism will never stop, but as the years go on, there has been lots of change. However, racism will never stop. Electing Obama is part of that change, a hundred years ado, this would never had happened.

Honestly, i don’t know what we will be called in the future. Since racism will never end. If there was a name, that America would be called a name related to Americas next large problem, perhaps Gay Rights.

~ by brandon21 on November 5, 2008.

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